Learn About Your Time Cycles of Change

I will show you how to study Vimshottari Mahadasha and different situations related to different aspects of live during Major, sub and sub periods. 

Mahadashas are the time cycles that everyone on earth is going through of a particular planets from Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu to Venus. Each planet brings about a certain fixed karma in a person's life and how each planet changes you and your personality completely from one dasha to the other. 

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We will get into Nakshatras and see how vital of a role they play in the dashas system. 

I will show timing of promotions, marriage, accidents, relationships, foreign travels, illness, spiritual progress, child birth and other things... Including the 4 most important planets in dasha system which are also the 4 planets that show you your path of the soul, career, desire etc. 

We will also use a particular Paddathi to see how easy it is to see what is to come out of a dasha. 

I will make it as simple and easy for you as possible. I have uploaded 3 videos for now and rest of the lessons will start from February 9th. 

I will show simple secrets remedies as well of each planetary dasha which are in lesson 5 which are currently being 

I will activate the certificate after I complete the lessons. 

There are no refunds once you purchase the course. 

As I progress in the course the video list below will increase. 

Course curriculum

    1. Mahadasha @ the speed of lightBoo

    1. Introduction

    1. What are mahadahas?

    2. Study of Mahadasha Lesson 1 from previous course (more videos will come after Feb 9th)

    1. 4 Most Important dashas in your life

    1. Sun Dasha

    2. Sun dasha part II

    3. Sun dasha III

    4. Moon dasha

    5. Mars Dasha

    6. Jupiter Dasha

    7. Venus (Shukra) Dasha

    8. Mercury Dasha

    9. Saturn Dasha

    10. Rahu Dasha

    11. Ketu Dasha

    1. What is Trabhi Dasha and why to use it?

About this course

  • $49.99
  • 67 lessons
  • 18 hours of video content